Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Declaration of Independence

We the youth of Kenran decree that we officially succeed from the past world of adults, that have proven time, and time again, that the chaos, and indignity towards everyone, regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity has been unjustified. We have decided to create a utopian society, in which we treat everyone equally, and the past traditions of humanity egt. War, crime, etc. are nonexistent. We are now breaking away from the past, which has been the ultimate and corrupt power of the adults. Until our founders age, the purity of children will finally be able to shine through the oppression of past conceived notions that we are not capable, of self-direction and the ideal that only adults are correct.
The purity, of the youth of Kenran will sustain a sense of equality throughout our nation, preserving peace, and unity. The past class systems, that humanity, the adult humanity has created is severely are unjust, and through that our nation will rise above, for equality among our citizens, regardless of wealth, ethnicity, gender, or age. In order to keep the just morals that Kenran is founded, this unity, this government will listen to the opinions of its people, but in a modern society, choice need to happen quickly, and justly. Through a representative court system, we will maintain the checks, and balances, to make sure that no one system gains enough power to dictate our lives. Through this Kenran has a state, and federal level of government. These leaders are chosen, by the completely knowledgeable and competent to maintain the very morals that Kenran is founded on, equality, environmentalism, multiculturalism, community, and progression.


  1. Your declaration looks really good, it sounds very professional, one things that you might want to specify on is how ythe leaders are going to be chosen. Right now it just says "These leaders are chosen, by the completely knowledgeable and competant to maintain the very morals that Kenran is founded on..." so it tells you how the leaders will be chosen but it really doesn't say who is choosing said leaders. Really good job though.

  2. I really like that your tribe has indicated the values it is founded on--equality, environmentalism, multiculturalism, community and progression (progressiveness?) These are important values, and I think its important to "declare" what those are in your statement. I also like how purposeful your statement is, with regard to the rationale for breaking away from the USA. Corruption seems to be the reason that people all over the world feel alienated by their government, and it is a big problem. How will your government try to avoid corruption as it establishes itself and your new tribe?

  3. heyy this is Loreili
    your idea is very to the point i like it

  4. nice delaration of independence- i liked how you talked about how your society will not discriminate against any body based on their age, gender, and ethnicity. there are a lot of commas. nice job
