Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bill of Laws

Bill of Laws
You may not infringe upon others' right to have:
-Free Speech (within reason)
-Complete, equality, regardless of orientation, race, age etc.
-a lawyer
-a work union
-no work on Saturdays
-a Family
-limited right to land
-an education
-the pursuit of happiness
-life (no execution)
- their own choice (interpretable)
-involvement in the government
- a body
-a soul
-information (public scale)
-a leave of absence
-a choice of quitting
-their own religion
-their own reputation
-print privileges
-media privileges
-an impeachment for people in gov. (if they do wrong)
-a fair trial (deemed by the public)
-a fair punishment (deemed by the public)
-a speedy trial
Right to self, and property defense, within reason

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