Tuesday, May 5, 2009

We as the people of Kenran, have the right to…
Free Speech
Complete, equality, regardless of orientation, race, age etc.
No false witness
Right to a lawyer
Right to a work union
You don't have to work on Saturday
Right to property
Right to Family
Limited right to land
Right to an education
Right to the pursuit of happiness
Right to life (no execution, murder, etc.)
Right to a choice (interpretable)
Right to liberty
Right to be involved in the government
Right to your body
Right to your soul
Right to all information (public scale)
Right to choose privacy
Right to be compensated
Right to choose leave of absence
Right to choose to quite
Right to religion
Right to free speech
Right to reputation
Right to print
Freedom of media
Right to impeach people in gov. (if they do wrong)
Right to fair trial (deemed by the public)
Right to fair punishment (deemed by the public)
Right to a speedy trial
Right to self, and property defense, within reason
Right to individuality
Right to orientation
Right to criticize

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