Monday, May 4, 2009

Journal Entries

Journal entry #1:
I woke up today and noticed that my favorite café was recently foreclosed. Rats. There is a lot of strain in building- but mainly over superfluous structures. People seem only to care about decoration and height. There are no real reasons to visit any place yet. Too much tension in the air- I guess I’ll go to bed early tonight. I went to work today at my new job, at Kenran Toyota & Scion. The economy is alright, I guess.
Journal entry #2:
Heard “Clocks” on the radio this morning for the first time in four years. I’m noticing that our government has finally stopped their engaging in trivial building contests and finally incorporating quality into their structures. Also, the government is coming into shape. They all have the same level of power, and have produced a bill of rights. I guess this means we’re well prepared for anything that should come our way. My daughter is complaining because we have no schools. I think we should have some, but really, isn’t eleven too young for school?
Journal entry #3:
Today is our Sabbath day, Saturday. We are free to do what we wish on Sabbath day. I do not have to go to work, so I will spend my day with my close friends. It feels good to have a day away from all of the stress of keeping a young society growing, but things are going well.

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